vendredi 18 mai 2012

Si tu commences par la fin, avec quoi finis-tu ?

lundi 17 octobre 2011

Chris: Jal, don't you understand I wanna-
Jal: Make a new fucking pact that means nothing to you? Yeah! Let's do that! We'll build something, and we'll tear it down! Fuck it! Come on. Say it. Build something! Tear it down! You're not who I thought you were. You're an empty, poisonous smile.
Chris: Jal, can't we just- I don't know what I'm meant to say! Jal, look at me. I was perfectly happy killing myself. All right? But then you asked me to try. And for the first time in my life, it felt like someone actually gave a shit, and that that person was worth trying for. And now... I'd fucking, I'd make the world record biggest sandwich if you asked me to. I'd kick old grannies in the tits, I'd fill the river with Panda Pops!

samedi 20 août 2011

J'ai beau savoir que les vrais resteront, qu'ils seront toujours là quand je reviendrai.. Quelque part ça ne me rassure pas. Peut-être que j'accorde trop d'importance à des gens qui ne la méritent pas mais.. ils me manqueront eux aussi, ils me manqueront même s'ils m'oublient.

jeudi 28 juillet 2011

" - Je suis malade et je suis amoureux.

- Tu fais partie de ceux qui confondent les deux."